I'm currently doing a PR internship at
EVHPR. It's one of the best PR Agencies in Australia, with clients such as
Josh Goot,
Fernando Frisoni and SOOO much more !!
Although I'm just an intern, it's an extremely busy environment. I'm constantly doing something from collecting all the returns, send outs of the samples to magazines who may use it for a spread, scanning of the media releases that EVH has done for the clients whilst cleaning up the area too.
Aside all the busy-ness of the office, there's also some good in it like being surrounded by beautiful clothes and learning how the fashion PR environment works. I'm learning so much and I'm surrounded by such nice people it makes my internship a lot better.
I think internships are a really great way to experience how it all works. I'm learning so much - While doing a PR Internship I found out just recently that I will also being an internship at
Grazia Magazine I'm very excited about this to experience the different environment of a PR agency to that of a magazine. (i will post about my Grazia internship next time)
Josh Goot collection
Send outs to Vogue
Beautiful Ellery heels just laying about on the table.
All the photos are a quick snapshot taken by my instagram app on my iphone. Unfortunately I haven't been able to bring my DSLR camera cus I usually have no time. But I shall try next time.